Pet therapy visits provide numerous cognitive, physical, social and emotional benefits to patients, residents, family and staff of healthcare and long-term care facilities. Call about Pet Therapy Dog Training in Los Angeles, Palm Springs, and Malibu and get your dog started today. Volunteering with your trained, certified pet therapy dog is rewarding for you and your family, gives your dog a career, and brings warmth and joy to others.
Jena’s fawn Doberman, “Shane” CGC/TDI(2002-2014) was found as a stray, and adopted from Doberman Rescue Unlimited. He was a Certified Pet Therapy Dog, and participated in Hartford Hospital's Pet Therapy program.

Jena's black Doberman "Prince" CGC/TDI/WAC, (1994-2003) a Certified Pet Therapy Dog, made visits to over 50 healthcare facilities in his career, and was the co-founder of Capital Dog Training.